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Major Curricular Change Requests

Tracking in-progress proposals

Course and Requirement proposals can be tracked as they make their way through the Senate curriculum approval process using the Curriculum Proposal Status report.  Each proposal is assigned a four-digit intake number upon submission of the curriculum form - use this number to locate your corresponding proposal on the report.  The intake number is on the "submission received" email sent to the submitter; as well as on the Chair's and Dean's approval request emails. 

Note: Course proposals originating with the UCORE committee cannot currently be tracked on the Curriculum Proposal Status report. Status of UCORE proposals can be tracked on the UCORE site.

Faculty Senate Approved Curriculum Change Bulletins and Memos

The Faculty Senate maintains all current-year course and requirement bulletins, as well as other proposals, on the "Meetings and Agendas" page of the Faculty Senate website.  The Senate also maintains an archive of previous year's minutes and agendas, to include document files, on their website.  

Degree Change Requests

The status of degree change proposals can be found on the Provost website. Once a request is approved by Provost's Office, they will be moved to the Faculty Senate approval process as a major change request beginning with the Catalog Subcommittee.

Registrar Curriculum